Take The Right Step:
recognize the fact that bright ideas and capable mangers who want to
build up their enterprises often need venture capital. Venture capital
is often thought of as the early-stage financing of new and young
companies seeking to grow rapidly. Although this has been, and remains,
the main focus of most professional venture investors, venture capital
covers a broader spectrum.
providing the seed for startup and first stage financing, and the funds
for expansion of companies that have already demonstrated the viability
of their businesses but do not yet have access to the public securities
market or to credit-oriented institutional funding sources, we are
direct in our approach. We also provide for leveraged buyout financing
to assist operating managements to purchase and revitalize a division of
a corporation or an absentee-owned private company.
long-term involvement between the venture capital team and the
entrepreneurial teams that manage the companies in their portfolio
differentiates us from the world passive investors. This seasoned team
of venture capitalists is prepared to invest in and guide young
management on the basis of our success in the region over a number of
Application Procedures:
CCB will
review each request and application for funding on its own merits.
Applicant’s credit history or the lack of accounting information will
not stop any application proceeding, providing we are happy the loan is
affordable and makes commercial sense.
– The team way: help us to help you.
welcome enquiries seeking information about funding or financial
management assistance.
Initially, we require a preliminary briefing about the borrower’s
investment proposal, in précis format. This will be evaluated against
our parameters for investment funding.
We will
then respond promptly. If the proposal qualifies under our trust fund
criteria, we will invite the borrower to submit detailed information and
supporting data to help us fully assess the proposal and financial
requirements, including:
description of the organization including historical back-ground and
current status.
management profile of the organization and its key proponents.
business plan, development plan, and/or feasibility study for the
project, describing the substance and viability of the project.
marketing plan with sales projections for the project.
Financial projections, with provision for the funding required, and
including a cash flow analysis.
Details of loan security/collateral available.
Legal, accounting, auditing records and other statutory data.
and trade references which we will be authorized to contact for
verification of details, including financial data, about the company
and its principal owners and officers.
analysis of this data results in approval of the project, we will issue
our letter committing a finance facility. Applications are normally
processed within 2 weeks; in this context, we suggest that prompt
communications are maintained with us.